Misconception of Chiropractic Care

First Chiropractic Misconception

A misconception of the chiropractic profession is that it is only about the vertebrae of the spine. Actually, it is important to know that chiropractic is about what the vertebrae are protecting; which is, the nervous system. From the brain to the the end organ it passes through central canal of the vertebral spine. A spinal misalignment may impinge the neural pathway. We as chiropractors call this a subluxation.

Second Chiropractic Misconception

The second misconception is knowing, how long chiropractic care should last? The premise to answer that question has to take in consideration every patient and injury is different from each other. Everyone adapts differently as well. A vertebral alignment is easier to maintain with multiple visits because we are re-training and teaching your body what is the proper alignment. Versus, always just treating the severity when the patient wants. This is how chiropractic care can assist you. Once care is established, constant evaluation before and immediately after an adjustment is needed to decide the frequency of care. When mentioning the severity each patient is evaluated visit to visit based on their injury. Sometimes there may be multiple injuries to overcome at the same time. This may lengthen the recovery time.

The main thing with chiropractic care is to make sure that the time between injury and care are not far apart. Subsequently, frequent care increases better results because your chiropractor is able to monitor you as you progress with care. It is not the adjustment that heals you it is the amount of time your body holds the adjustment that your body is able to heal itself. We just need no interference so this can take place. That is the secret of chiropractic care. The time in between adjustments.

Importance of Chiropractic Care

Know this, that Chiropractic care stimulates the nervous system.

Food for thought, Sub means below and that lux means light. In other words, those who are are subluxated may be below the level of light.


Chiropractic care helps

Care is not just about lower back pain either. Listed below is a link that describes such care.


Call 419-756-7000 to schedule your appointment and see how you can connect within. At Olar Family Chiropractic in Mansfield, OH we see and take care of many families. From infants to seniors. We can help you.

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